efa auth athentication preference

Configure authentication preference.


efa auth authentication preference add [--authType {TACACS | LDAP | LOCAL | HOST} --identifier string --preference {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5} ]
efa auth authentication preference update [--authType {TACACS | LDAP | LOCAL | HOST} --identifier string --preference {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5} ]
efa auth authentication preference delete [--authType {TACACS | LDAP | LOCAL | HOST} --identifier string --preference {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5} ]
efa auth authentication preference show


--authType {TACACS | LDAP | LOCAL | HOST}
Specifies the authentication type.
--identifier string
Specifies the authentication configuration. For TACACS+ it is the host name, and for LDAP it is the name of the configuration. For authType of LOCAL or HOST it is the same as authType.
--preference {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5}
Specifies the authentication order. Values 1- 5 must be unique, and specify the order used to authenticate the user.


This example adds the specified authentication preference.

efa auth authentication preference add --authType=LOCAL --identifier=LOCAL --preference=3 
Successfully updated the auth preference. 
| Auth Type | Identifier | Preference | 
| LOCAL     | LOCAL      | 3          | 

This example lists the authentication preferences.

efa auth authentication preference show 
| Auth Type | Identifier | Preference | 
| HOST      | HOST       | 1          | 
| LOCAL     | LOCAL      | 3          | 

This example updates an authentication preference.

efa auth authentication preference update --authType=LOCAL --identifier=LOCAL --preference=2 
Successfully updated the auth preference. 
| Auth Type | Identifier | Preference | 
| LOCAL     | LOCAL      | 2          | 

This example deletes an authentication preference.

efa auth authentication preference delete --authType=LOCAL --identifier=LOCAL 

This example adds the specified authentication preference.

efa auth authentication preference add --authType=TACACS --identifier= --preference=2
Successfully added the auth preference.
| Auth Type | Identifier   | Preference |
| TACACS    | | 2          |

This example adds the specified authentication preference.

efa auth authentication preference add --authType=LDAP --identifier=kvm12.com --preference=3
Successfully added the auth preference.
| Auth Type | Identifier | Preference |
| LDAP      | kvm12.com  | 3          |

This example shows an authentication preference.

efa auth authentication preference show 
| Auth Type | Identifier   | Preference |
| HOST      | HOST         | 1          |
| TACACS    | | 2          |
| LDAP      | kvm12.com    | 3          |